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Chepstow Agricultural Society Privacy Policy

Data provided by members, exhibitors and competitors will be held securely by either the
Membership Secretary, the General Secretary or the relevant Section Secretary.

What is the purpose of keeping this data?

  1. To know the name of the member/exhibitor/competitor, and if a current membership or entry fee has been made.
  2. To be able to communicate with members/exhibitors/competitors by:
    1. E-mail
    2. Post
    3. Telephone
    4. Text
  3. To enable the Society to send out information relating to:
    1. Membership
    2. Show Organisation
    3. Section Schedules
    4. To maintain records for payment

We do not:

  • Data share with other organisations (regardless of whether data is sold or exchange is free)
  • Research data on members/exhibitors/competitors, regardless of whether data is obtained from the public domain, or from a publicly accessible source; (including attempting to find out information about a person’s financial position, property, previous donations or their propensity for giving).
  • Acquire data from third parties – including details of prospective donors, acquiring data to flesh out existing or prospective donor records.
  • Send out marketing material except for information about events.

Removal of data

The Society will delete information received after two years, unless required to be retained for
statutory purposes.

You may withdraw your consent to receiving information by e-mail, post, phone or text at any time by notifying the Membership Secretary, the General Secretary or the relevant Section Secretary.

Main Show Sponsors

  • DeliserveFrank SuttonTyndale Vets
  • bdhc Chartered AccountantsChepstow Garden CentreFES _ Fastening & Engineering Supplies Ltd
  • Hanley Farm ShopMarlow VetsRDP Law
  • Peter Moon & CoArchway VetsRobert Price Agriculture
  • Landrovers of MonmoutshireNFU MutualDavid James
  • Happy FieldsHockey Wealth ManagementMiles Morgan Travel
  • DeanCloseStJohnsSouth Monmoutshire EstatesUnited Trades
  • Green & Co