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Trade Stands

The 2025 Show will again be held at Chepstow Racecourse and we very much hope you will be able to join us for the day. Our move to the Racecourse in 2013 proved popular with exhibitors, traders and public. We hope we can count on your continued support and we look forward to welcoming you again in August. 

On this page you'll find links to application forms and supporting information, please make your application well before the closing date of 22nd July to ensure your place, as space is limited. To secure your place you will need to submit the completed application form and risk assessment, your insurance certificate and payment (by cheque or BACS). Once all this has been received your space will be reserved. In the meantime if you have any queries please contact the Tradestand Secretary at  

Please note the early booking discount for outside stands. Pre-covid prices will be held if all paperwork and payment are received in full before 1st May.  If you would like a specific plot please contact the Tradestand Secretary to discuss. If this is a corner plot or one facing the Main Ring an additional charge may apply.

As in 2019 we're offering stands in our new, open air food court area to traders cooking food on site and using their own gazebo. The food hall marque will only be available to traders offering goods for off-site consumption. Please note there is no mains water or electricity on the show site, and that only silent generators will be allowed, unless discussed with the Secretary prior to Show Day.

Main Show Sponsors

  • DeliserveFrank SuttonTyndale Vets
  • bdhc Chartered AccountantsChepstow Garden CentreFES _ Fastening & Engineering Supplies Ltd
  • Hanley Farm ShopMarlow VetsRDP Law
  • Peter Moon & CoArchway VetsRobert Price Agriculture
  • Landrovers of MonmoutshireNFU MutualDavid James
  • Happy FieldsHockey Wealth ManagementMiles Morgan Travel
  • DeanCloseStJohnsSouth Monmoutshire EstatesUnited Trades
  • Green & Co